Foster Care Spotlight: Talitha Day
What made you want to become a foster carer at such a young age?

I wanted to help vulnerable young children. I felt although I was young I had a wealth of experience as my family had foster kids ever since I could remember. I also had a baby very young so I had to grow up and I learnt a lot at a young age.
What would your advice be to someone who was interested in becoming a foster carer?
Do it and if it doesn’t work out at least you can say you tried.
What has felt like your biggest achievement as a foster carer?
Having two children who were in my care from a hard situation. Watching two adoptive parents adopt them and then transition into a family who loved them. I was able to form a relationship with them and still get updates on them and it’s a beautiful journey to watch.
What do you do when you’re not fostering?
I like to spend quality time with my daughter as a lot of her time is given to the foster kids too. We like to go shopping, cinema and out to eat. I also a few times a year take some time to travel which I love.
What was your experience of Mother and Baby placements like?
I have found it very challenging not being able to intervene in the way I would do things, instead having to support a mother figure things out for herself. Unfortunately I have not had a placement where the mother was able to keep her baby and this is quite upsetting. My focus is always what is best for the baby so at the end of the day what is right is for them is the best outcome but it is a hard experience.